Pikes Peak Firearms Coalition





1. Do you believe the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution affirms every individual’s right to keep and bear arms and that the Colorado Constitution reaffirms that right? YES YES The Founding Fathers knew exactly what they were doing.
2. Do you believe there are reasonable limitations that government should place on law-abiding sane individual citizen’s right to keep and bear arms? YES This is a poorly worded question, the word reasonable could mean nothing or up to a lot. NO Law-abiding, sane citizens have the right to keep and bear arms.
3. Do you support Project Exile and the aggressive punishment of violations of all existing gun laws? NO I support Project Safe Neighborhood and the discretionary enforcement of existing gun laws. NO All law enforcement efforts should focus on criminals and emphasize common sense. Project Exile is primarily used on the East Coast.
4. In Vermont and Alaska law-abiding citizens have a legal right to carry concealed firearms without the requirement of obtaining a permit to do so. Would you support a similar concealed carry law in Colorado? YES YES Restrictions should be reserved primarily for violent criminals.
5. Do you support the right of law-abiding citizens to openly carry firearms within Colorado, including open carry in government buildings? NO YES I am not troubled by firearms.
6. Do you think the concealed carry law enacted in Colorado last year A) makes it too easy to get permits, B) allows people to carry concealed in too many places, C) is just right or D) is too restrictive and should be modified. D D Law enforcement has advised me that some requirements are costly and duplicative.
7. The Clinton Assault Weapon Ban (AWB) will sunset in September of 2004. This law prohibits certain weapons defined by specific characteristics or manufacturer and model name. The law also forbids the manufacture of magazines with a capacity higher than ten rounds for non-police and non-military use.

A. Do you believe the AWB should be extended beyond September of 2004?

B. Do you believe the AWB should be expanded to include additional firearms or any sort of registration or purchase limitations?





I don’t support legislation that focuses on cosmetics / appearances.

8. Do you support prohibiting law abiding concealed carry permit holders from carrying concealed within public schools? YES NO I do not support a prohibition.
9. Do you support laws that take away the rights of 18-20 year old law-abiding citizens to buy or possess a firearm? NO NO
10. Do you believe an individual convicted of a misdemeanor or non-violent felony, who has completed his sentence, should have their full firearms rights restored automatically? YES Except drug dealers. YES Generally yes, but federal law has imposed restrictions beyond Colorado law. Again, our efforts should focus on criminals using weapons, and employ common sense.
11. Federal studies have shown that citizens with concealed carry permits are more law-abiding, as a group, than law enforcement. Will you oppose the creation of a Colorado state wide database of concealed carry permit holders and the creation of any state or local database that in any way mingles any information about permit holders with that of criminals or suspects? YES YES Permit holders are not criminals.
12. What is your favorite firearm? S&W .38 model 37 air weight, 2.5 in brl for concealed weapon. Remington 1100 12ga for hunting. Depends on the circumstance. For self-defense, a Glock.
13. Would you prosecute a defendant for brandishing, under any circumstances, when the person was engaged in open carry and the firearm was in a holster? NO Not a law the DA office has jurisdiction over. NO Lawfully carrying a firearm is not a criminal act.
14. As District Attorney for 4th Judicial District, would you join the Colorado District Attorneys Council? YES YES
15. While in office would you be willing to publicly take a position contrary to that held by the Colorado District Attorneys Council? YES YES
16. In 2003, HB 1148, which gave the accused the right to a self-defense instruction, was passed by the legislature and became law. Did you and do you oppose or support that law? Strongly opposed as introduced, because it hurt the Make My Day law. Stated to PPFC it was ok as passed. SUPPORT
17. A person who believes they are defending themselves against a deadly threat may be convicted of 2nd Degree Assault. Current law requires a mandatory sentence of five years for anyone convicted of 2nd Degree Assault, with no opportunity for consideration of the circumstances of the case. HB1170, postponed indefinitely by the 2004 Colorado Legislature, would have allowed judges to consider mitigating circumstances before sentencing persons convicted of 2nd Degree Assault. Would you support or oppose a change in the law to allow judges the leeway to give a lesser sentence if mitigating circumstances are present? SUPPORT SUPPORT Discretion and common sense are useful tools in achieving justice.
18. Would you support a change in law that would allow juries to know what the sentence range would be for the charge brought against the defendant before or during their deliberations? YES If the jury is given all information relevant to sentencing. NO Juries are finders of fact, and should not be burdened with sentencing, with the exception of the death penalty. Juries are often not advised of evidence that is suppressed or of prior criminal records. I do support questions submitted by juries.


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